Enigma Threat

Seriously Simple Threat Intel.

The easy way to be alerted to threats and bad actors inside of your network.

Receive actionable threat intelligence that can be used to correlate threats in real time and thwart cyber attacks.


Alerting and Responding

Actionable alerting is something of a myth in the security realm.

Most systems produce tons of alerts and noise just to act like they are doing something. This results in an overabundance of false positives and alert fatigue for analysts.

Enigma solves this problem by providing the capability to correlate internal system data with external known bad threat actors.

  • We ingest you network telemetry data

  • Then correlate it with actual threats found in the wild (external network)

The result are high fidelity alerts and threat Intel that is tailored to your businesses and the industry in which you operate in.

Be alerted the second a bad actor is identified in your network. So you, your MSP/MSSP, or Enigma can take action to remediate.

Security Threat Intel Reports

Reporting security trends and metrics can be an extremely challenging task for organizations. Especially when presenting your organizations security status to upper management and the board.

Most tools either provide an abundance of irrelevant, unwanted data in their reports, or fail to provide metrics that actually matter. 

The Enigma Platform is designed to be the worlds most intuitive security tool. Providing users the ability to create reports based off dashboards, insights, and any relevant data stored within the system.

Extract the exact insights you need at the precise moment you need them.

Find the Signal in the Noise

Our threat reports provide the ability to:  

  • Upload known bad Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) to your Firewalls and security tools

  • Receive the latest trends on threats targeting you industry

  • Present key security findings and trends to management, executives and the board in a "user-friendly" manner